Potosí is also known as the Imperial Villa of Potosí, this city with a rich colonial history extends to the slopes of a legendary mountain called Sumaj Orcko (El Cerro Rico) that contained the largest silver mine in the world. Declared by UNESCO as Cultural Heritage of Humanity, this is the first official recognition that this international organization made in Bolivia, the city has architectural heritage represented by numerous colonial buildings.

With an architectural system that bares its living history, the Villa Imperial de Potosí still has vestiges of what was one of the most populated cities in the world during part of the 16th century. In it you will have the opportunity to know where and how the first currency for world use was made, the history of its hill full of silver, its beautiful streets, houses, squares, monasteries and churches; and you will be able to enter a huge mine to learn how they work today, what their customs, rituals and beliefs are, and to deeply understand the history of Potosi told by their own workers.

Tourist sites you must visit:

The old mint located in the center of Potosí, this houses a museum dedicated to the art and history of Bolivia.
Plaza 10 de noviembre, a plaza lined with ornate colonial buildings, including the cathedral.
The Cerro Rico de Potosí, the largest silver mine in South America during colonial times. The conquistadors took tons of this precious mineral from there, which was used to finance the Spanish empire. Currently there is no silver left in the mines, but its bowels continue to be exploited to obtain other metals. The rich hill is today a network of corridors, a labyrinth of caves, stairs, wells, which resemble a gigantic anthill that now receives tourist visits.
Museum and Convent of Santa Teresa, The fascinating Monastery of Santa Teresa was established in 1685 and still houses a small group of Carmelite nuns who have elaborated the significant building and transformed part of it into a museum.

Av. Arce Nº 2177, Torre Ejecutiva Real Plaza Hotel P8 Of. 816 +591 76777683 9AM-6PM (UTC-4)
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